Read and write many popular chemical file types for working with the applications you use:
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ACD/ChemSketch Documents (.sk2), ChemDoodle Documents (.icl), ChemDoodle 3D Scenes (.ic3), ChemDoodle Javascript Data (.cwc.js), CambridgeSoft ChemDraw Exchange (.cdx), CambridgeSoft ChemDraw XML (.cdxml), Crystallographic Information Format (.cif), CHARMM CARD File (.crd), ChemAxon Marvin Document (.mrv), Chemical Markup Language (.cml), Daylight SMILES (.smi, .smiles), IUPAC InChI (.inchi), IUPAC JCAMP-DX (.jdx, .dx), ISIS Sketch File (.skc), ISIS Sketch Transportable Graphics File (.tgf), MDL MOLFiles, both V2000 and V3000 connection tables (.mol, .mdl), MDL SDFiles (.sdf, .sd), MDL RDFiles (.rdf, .rd), MDL RXNFiles, both V2000 and V3000 connection tables (.rxn), MMI SketchEl Molecule (.el), Molinspiration JME String (.jme), RCSB MacroMolecular Transmission Format (.mmtf), RCSB Protein Data Bank Files (.pdb, .ent), Schrödinger MacroModel (.mmd, .mmod), Schrödinger Maestro (.mae), Standard Molecular Data (.smd), Tripos Mol2 (.mol2, .ml2, .sy2), Tripos Sybyl Line Notation (.sln), Beilstein ROSDAL (.ros), XYZ Files (.xyz)