Docker Compose Windows

Learn more about docker volumes. WordPress Multisite works only on ports 80 and 443. Build the project. Now, run docker-compose up -d from your project directory. This runs docker-compose up in detached mode, pulls the needed Docker images, and starts the wordpress and database containers, as shown in the example below. If you want to actually run the docker instances on WSL (you’ll get better performance) you should modify this process so that after installing docker on WSL you change the docker socket to use a loopback TCP socket instead of a.nix socket file as WSL currently doesn’t support.nix socket files. Then you can either connect using the windows docker or you can just use it from command line WSL.

Depending on which operating system you’re using to run Docker, Compose may need to be installed separately. If you use the Docker container platform as part of the desktop installations Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows, then Docker Compose is already contained in the range of functions. Docker Compose is a tool used to define and run multi-container Docker applications. Users utilize this software to launch, execute, communicate, and close containers with a single coordinated command.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Several environment variables are available for you to configure the Docker Compose command-line behaviour.

Variables starting with DOCKER_ are the same as those used to configure theDocker command-line client. If you’re using docker-machine, then the eval '$(docker-machine env my-docker-vm)' command should set them to their correct values. (In this example, my-docker-vm is the name of a machine you created.)

Note: Some of these variables can also be provided using anenvironment file.


Sets the project name. This value is prepended along with the service name tothe container on start up. For example, if your project name is myapp and itincludes two services db and web, then Compose starts containers namedmyapp_db_1 and myapp_web_1 respectively.

Setting this is optional. If you do not set this, the COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAMEdefaults to the basename of the project directory. See also the -pcommand-line option.


Specify the path to a Compose file. If not provided, Compose looks for a file nameddocker-compose.yml in the current directory and then each parent directory insuccession until a file by that name is found.

This variable supports multiple Compose files separated by a path separator (onLinux and macOS the path separator is :, on Windows it is ;). For The path separatorcan also be customized using COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR.

See also the -fcommand-line option.


Specify one or multiple active profiles to enable. Calling docker-compose upwith COMPOSE_PROFILES=frontend will start the services with the profilefrontend and services without specified profiles.

Docker compose for windows

You can specify a list of profiles separated with a comma:COMPOSE_PROFILES=frontend,debug will enable the profiles frontend anddebug.

See also Using profiles with Compose and the --profilecommand-line option.


The Docker API only supports requests from clients which report a specificversion. If you receive a client and server don't have same version error usingdocker-compose, you can workaround this error by setting this environmentvariable. Set the version value to match the server version.

Setting this variable is intended as a workaround for situations where you needto run temporarily with a mismatch between the client and server version. Forexample, if you can upgrade the client but need to wait to upgrade the server.

Running with this variable set and a known mismatch does prevent some Dockerfeatures from working properly. The exact features that fail would depend on theDocker client and server versions. For this reason, running with this variableset is only intended as a workaround and it is not officially supported.

If you run into problems running with this set, resolve the mismatch throughupgrade and remove this setting to see if your problems resolve before notifyingsupport.

Docker Compose Windows Volume


Sets the URL of the docker daemon. As with the Docker client, defaults to unix:///var/run/docker.sock.


When set to anything other than an empty string, enables TLS communication withthe docker daemon.


Configures the path to the ca.pem, cert.pem, and key.pem files used for TLS verification. Defaults to ~/.docker.


Configures the time (in seconds) a request to the Docker daemon is allowed to hang before Compose considersit failed. Defaults to 60 seconds.


Configure which TLS version is used for TLS communication with the dockerdaemon. Defaults to TLSv1.Supported values are: TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2.


Enable path conversion from Windows-style to Unix-style in volume definitions.Users of Docker Machine on Windows should always set this. Defaults to 0.Supported values: true or 1 to enable, false or 0 to disable.


If set, the value of the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable is separatedusing this character as path separator.


If set, volume declarations using the short syntaxare parsed assuming the host path is a Windows path, even if Compose isrunning on a UNIX-based system.Supported values: true or 1 to enable, false or 0 to disable.


If set, Compose doesn’t try to detect orphaned containers for the project.Supported values: true or 1 to enable, false or 0 to disable.


Docker Compose Windows

Sets a limit for the number of operations Compose can execute in parallel. Thedefault value is 64, and may not be set lower than 2.


If set, Compose doesn’t attempt to use the Docker CLI for interactive runand exec operations. This option is not available on Windows where the CLIis required for the aforementioned operations.Supported: true or 1 to enable, false or 0 to disable.



Configure whether to use the Compose python client for building images or thenative docker cli. By default, Compose uses the docker CLI to perform builds,which allows you to use BuildKitto perform builds.

Set COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=0 to disable native builds, and to use the built-inpython client.

Docker Compose Windows Containers

Related information

fig, composition, compose, docker, orchestration, cli, reference

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

You can use Docker Compose to easily run WordPress in an isolated environmentbuilt with Docker containers. This quick-start guide demonstrates how to useCompose to set up and run WordPress. Before starting, make sure you haveCompose installed.

Docker Compose Windows Volume Path

Define the project

  1. Create an empty project directory.

    You can name the directory something easy for you to remember.This directory is the context for your application image. Thedirectory should only contain resources to build that image.

    This project directory contains a docker-compose.yml file whichis complete in itself for a good starter wordpress project.

    Tip: You can use either a .yml or .yaml extension forthis file. They both work.

  2. Change into your project directory.

    For example, if you named your directory my_wordpress:

  3. Create a docker-compose.yml file that starts yourWordPress blog and a separate MySQL instance with a volumemount for data persistence:


  • The docker volume db_data persists any updates made by WordPress to the database. Learn more about docker volumes

  • WordPress Multisite works only on ports 80 and 443.

Build the project

Now, run docker-compose up -d from your project directory.

This runs docker-compose up in detached mode, pullsthe needed Docker images, and starts the wordpress and database containers, as shown inthe example below.

Note: WordPress Multisite works only on ports 80 and/or 443.If you get an error message about binding to port 80 or 443(depending on which one you specified), it is likely that the port youconfigured for WordPress is already in use by another service.

Bring up WordPress in a web browser

At this point, WordPress should be running on port 8000 of your Docker Host,and you can complete the “famous five-minute installation” as a WordPressadministrator.

Note: The WordPress site is not immediately available on port 8000because the containers are still being initialized and may take a couple ofminutes before the first load.

If you are using Docker Machine, you can run the commanddocker-machine ip MACHINE_VM to get the machine address, and then openhttp://MACHINE_VM_IP:8000 in a web browser.

If you are using Docker Desktop for Mac or Docker Desktop for Windows, you can usehttp://localhost as the IP address, and open http://localhost:8000 in a webbrowser.

Shutdown and cleanup

The command docker-compose down removes thecontainers and default network, but preserves your WordPress database.

The command docker-compose down --volumes removes the containers, defaultnetwork, and the WordPress database.

More Compose documentation

documentation, docs, docker, compose, orchestration, containers